1200 inleiding van aluminiumplaatlegering

1200 aluminiumlegering is 'n reeks industriële suiwer aluminium, wat hoë plastisiteit het, weerstand teen korrosie, elektriese geleidingsvermoë en termiese geleiding, maar die krag van 1200 aluminiumplaat is laag, dit kan nie deur hittebehandeling versterk word nie, en die bewerkbaarheid daarvan is nie goed nie.

Aluminium plaat 1200 produksie spesifikasies

Produk1000 reeks 1200
GemoedO H12 H14 H16 H18 H19H22 H24 H26 H28 H112
Oppervlakteglans, geen gebrek nie
LamineringDit kan met blou film bedek word, papier toebroodjie, of glad niks nie.
MOQHang af van spesifikasie, 2-4 ton.
Produksie proseswarmrol en gietwals
Gebruikeargitektoniese voorkoms, mure, plafonne, meubels, verkeerstekens, toerusting, transformators, ens.
Neem asseblief kennispasgemaakte spesifikasies, ekstra dik * ekstra lank * ekstra wyd, skakel ons asseblief vir spesifieke kommunikasie.

Wat is die gebruike van 1200 aluminium plaat?

• 1200 aluminiumplaat vir algemene vervaardiging
• 1200 aluminiumplaat vir verwerkingstoerusting (chemiese, farmaseutiese)
• 1200 aluminiumplaat vir plaatmetaalverwerking
• 1200 aluminiumplaat vir ketelvervaardiging
• 1200 aluminiumplaat vir industriële drukvate (kos industrie)
• 1200 aluminiumplaat vir kombuisware

1200 aluminiumplaat chemiese element samestelling


Meganiese eienskappe van al1200 vel

Treksterkte σb (MPa)75~105
Verlenging δ10 (%)≥22
Verlenging δ5 (%)≥25
Termiese geleidingsvermoë226 W/m°K
Termiese uitsettingskoëffisiënt24 x10-6/K
Elektriese Geleiding59.5 IACS
Modulus van elastisiteit69 GPa

1100 aluminiumplaat vs 1200 aluminium plaat

Albei 1100 aluminiumplaat en 1200 aluminiumplaat is suiwer aluminiumplaatmateriaal, en die verskil tussen hulle lê hoofsaaklik in die suiwerheid en chemiese samestelling van aluminium.

Die aluminium inhoud van 1100 aluminium plaat bereik 99%. Dit is 'n nie-hittebehandelde aluminiumplaat met goeie bewerkbaarheid, weerstand teen korrosie en elektriese geleidingsvermoë. Dit word wyd gebruik in konstruksie, lugvaart, elektroniese en ander velde.

Die aluminium inhoud van 1200 aluminiumplaat is so hoog as 99.5%, wat 'n hoë-suiwer aluminium plaat is, wat ook goeie bewerkbaarheid het, weerstand teen korrosie en elektriese geleidingsvermoë, maar dit is meer geskik vir toepassings wat hoër suiwerheid vereis as 1100 aluminium plaat, soos Elektronika, chemiese industrie, mediese en ander velde.

Vir kopers, of om te kies 1100 aluminiumplaat of 1200 aluminiumplaat hang af van die spesifieke toepassingsveld en aanvraag.

1200 aluminum plate product introduction

Allooi 1200 is a commercially pure aluminum alloy with excellent corrosion resistance, hoë termiese en elektriese geleidingsvermoë, goeie vormbaarheid, en lae sterkte. It is primarily used in applications where its specific properties are advantageous, such as electrical conductors, heat transfer devices, weerkaatsers, chemical handling equipment, food processing containers, en meer.

Egter, for applications requiring higher strength, it is more common to use aluminum alloys from the 2xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, or 7xxx series. These alloys offer enhanced mechanical properties and are available in various plate thicknesses.

If you are specifically looking for aluminum plates with higher strength, it would be advisable to consider aluminum alloys such as 2024, 5052, 6061, of 7075。

The alloy composition of 1200 aluminium plaat

Allooi 1200 is an aluminum alloy that belongs to the 1xxx series, which are known as commercially pure aluminum alloys. Allooi 1200 het 'n minimum aluminiuminhoud van 99.00% and is generally considered to be 99.00% suiwer aluminium.

The composition of alloy 1200 typically includes the following elements:

  • Aluminium (Al): The primary component, comprising a minimum of 99.00% of the alloy.
  • Yster (Fe): The maximum allowable content of iron in alloy 1200 is 0.050%.
  • Silikon (En): The maximum allowable content of silicon in alloy 1200 is 0.050%.
  • Koper (Cu): The maximum allowable content of copper in alloy 1200 is 0.050%.
  • Mangaan (Mn): The maximum allowable content of manganese in alloy 1200 is 0.050%.
  • Sink (Zn): The maximum allowable content of zinc in alloy 1200 is 0.050%.
  • Other trace elements: Allooi 1200 may contain trace amounts of other impurities or elements, but they are typically present in very small quantities.

Spesifikasies van 1200 aluminium plaat

Oor die algemeen, the specifications of aluminum plates, insluitend legering 1200, can vary depending on the specific requirements and standards set by manufacturers or customers. Some common specifications for aluminum plates, including those made from alloy 1200, may include:

Dikte: Aluminum plates can be available in various thicknesses, typically ranging from a few millimeters to several inches or more.

Breedte en Lengte: The dimensions of aluminum plates can vary, and they are usually provided in terms of width and length. Standard widths and lengths are commonly used, but custom sizes can also be manufactured based on specific requirements.

Gemoed: Aluminum plates may come in different tempers, which indicate the level of hardness and strength achieved through various heat treatment processes. For alloy 1200, the most common temper is typically “O” (uitgegloei), as it is a non-heat-treatable alloy.

Oppervlak afwerking: Aluminum plates can have different surface finishes, soos meulafwerking (smooth and untreated), brushed finish, or coated finish, depending on the application and desired aesthetics.

Product features of 1200 aluminium plaat

Korrosieweerstand: Aluminum in the 1xxx series, insluitend 1200, exhibits excellent corrosion resistance, especially in non-industrial environments. It resists atmospheric corrosion and is suitable for applications where exposure to moisture or corrosive elements is a concern.

Elektriese Geleiding: Aluminum in the 1xxx series is known for its high electrical conductivity. It is often used in electrical applications where excellent conductivity is required, such as conductors, busbars, and electrical transmission lines.

Termiese geleidingsvermoë: 1200 aluminium, soos ander aluminiumlegerings, has good thermal conductivity. It can efficiently conduct heat and is utilized in heat transfer applications like heat exchangers, verkoelers, and other heat dissipation devices.

Vormbaarheid: Aluminum in the 1xxx series, insluitend 1200, offers good formability and can be easily worked with using common fabrication processes such as bending, stempel, and deep drawing. This characteristic makes it suitable for applications that require complex shapes or intricate designs.

Liggewig: Aluminium, in general, is a lightweight material, and the 1xxx series is no exception. It has a low density, which makes it advantageous for applications where weight reduction is crucial, soos lugvaart, motor, and transportation industries.

Reflektiwiteit: Aluminum in the 1xxx series typically exhibits high reflectivity. This property makes it suitable for applications in the lighting industry, such as reflectors, light fixtures, and decorative surfaces where high reflectance is desired.

Non-Heat Treatable: Aluminum in the 1xxx series, insluitend 1200, is considered non-heat treatable. It cannot be hardened through heat treatment processes but can be annealed for stress relief.

Physical properties of 1200 aluminium plaat

Physical PropertyWaarde
Digtheid2.70 g/cm3
Termiese geleidingsvermoë230 W/m·K
Elektriese Geleiding61% IACS
Coefficient of Expansion23.6 μm/m·°C
Spesifieke hittekapasiteit0.91 J/g·°C
Elastic Modulus69 GPa
Poisson se verhouding0.33
Hardheid (HB)35 (soft annealed)