Что 1350 алюминиевая катушка?

Что такое марка алюминия 1350? 1350 алюминиевая катушка относится к алюминиевой катушке, изготовленной из 1350 сплав, который представляет собой технически чистый алюминиевый сплав. сплав 1350 принадлежит “1ххх” серия алюминиевых сплавов, известных своей высокой чистотой и отличной электропроводностью.

1350 химические свойства алюминиевой катушки(%)


1350 особенности алюминиевой катушки

сплав 1350 Алюминиевая катушка представляет собой коммерчески чистый алюминиевый сплав, известный своей высокой электропроводностью и другими специфическими свойствами, которые делают его пригодным для различных применений., particularly in the electrical and electronics industries.

High Conductivity: One of the most notable features of 1350 aluminum coil is its excellent conductivity. Its electrical conductivity is the highest of all aluminum alloys.

Purity: сплав 1350 consists of at least 99.5% алюминий, making it a high purity alloy. The minimal presence of other elements contributes to its excellent electrical properties and ensures minimal interference with conduction.

Soft and malleable: 1350 aluminum is soft and malleable, meaning it can be shaped, bent and formed with ease.

Low Strength: While softness and ductility are beneficial for forming, 1350 alloy has relatively low mechanical strength compared to other aluminum alloys.

Устойчивость к коррозии: Like other aluminum alloys, 1350 aluminum coils exhibit good corrosion resistance. тем не мение, its high purity can enhance its corrosion resistance in certain environments.

Теплопроводность: 1350 алюминиевые катушки, while not as high as their electrical conductivity, still have appreciable thermal conductivity.

Low Density: The low density of aluminum makes 1350 aluminum coils light in weight.

Какая польза от 1350 алюминиевая катушка

сплав 1350 aluminum coils are mainly used in applications where high electrical conductivity is required while other mechanical properties can be more flexible. Its purity and excellent electrical conductivity make it particularly suitable for electrical and electronic applications.

Electrical Conductors: The main application for 1350 aluminum coils is as electrical conductors, especially where high electrical conductivity is critical.

Transformers: Due to the high electrical conductivity and ductility of 1350aluminum coil, сплав 1350 is commonly used in transformer windings, which require efficient energy transfer with minimal energy loss.

Foil Capacitors: In some types of capacitors, such as foil capacitors, high electrical conductivity is important for efficient charge storage and 1350 aluminum foil can be used.

Electrical Connectors and Busbars: сплав 1350 is used in the manufacture of electrical connectors and busbars that require efficient current transfer, such as those found in electrical panels and industrial equipment.

Welding wire: Due to its electrical properties, 1350 aluminum can be used as welding wire in some special applications.

Теплообменники: В некоторых случаях, 1350 aluminum may be used in heat exchangers, and its electrical conductivity may be beneficial in some designs.

Although alloy 1350 has excellent electrical properties, it has low mechanical strength compared to other aluminum alloys.

1350 механические свойства алюминиевой катушки

сплав 1350 is known for its high electrical conductivity, but has relatively low mechanical strength compared to many other aluminum alloys. Their mechanical properties are generally designed to support their primary application as electrical conductors, where strength is not a major concern. The following are typical mechanical properties of 1350 алюминиевые катушки:

Предел прочности: 1350 aluminum coils have a relatively low tensile strength, typically around 55 к 95 мегапаскали (МПа) или 8,000 к 14,000 фунтов на квадратный дюйм (пси). This low tensile strength makes 1350 aluminum unsuitable for applications requiring high mechanical strength.

Предел текучести: Предел текучести 1350 aluminum is usually lower than the tensile strength and typically ranges from 30 к 70 МПа (4,350 к 10,150 пси).

Удлинение: Elongation is a measure of how much a material can stretch before breaking. сплав 1350 aluminum coils typically exhibit high elongation, often in excess of 25%. This indicates its excellent ductility and ability to deform without fracture.

твердость: 1350 alloy aluminum coil is relatively soft and has a lower hardness value compared to other aluminum alloys. Its hardness is usually in the 17 к 30 Brinell range.

Модуль упругости: Модуль упругости (Модуль для младших) из 1350 aluminum is approximately 69 ГПа (10 х 10^6 фунтов на квадратный дюйм). Это значение представляет собой способность материала упруго деформироваться под нагрузкой..