Jumbo aluminiumfoelie produk spesifikasies:

  • Produk Naam: Jumbo-rol van aluminiumfoelie
  • Allooi: 1000-8000 reeks (spesifiseer die spesifieke legering, bv., 8011, 1235)
  • Dikte: 0.01mm-8mm mikron (spesifiseer die dikte reeks)
  • Breedte: 60-2600 millimeters (spesifiseer die breedtereeks)
  • Lengte: Volgens aanpassing
  • Kern deursnee: XX millimeter (spesifiseer die kern deursnee grootte)

Jumbo aluminiumfoelie produk punte:

  1. Veelsydige verpakkingsoplossing: Die aluminiumfoelie Jumbo-rol is ontwerp om 'n veelsydige verpakkingsoplossing vir verskeie industrieë en toepassings te bied.
  2. Materiaal van hoë gehalte: Gemaak van premium-graad aluminiumlegering, verseker uitstekende duursaamheid, hitte weerstand, en versperringseienskappe.
  3. Wye verskeidenheid van diktes en breedtes: Beskikbaar in verskillende diktes en breedtes om aan spesifieke verpakkingsvereistes te voldoen.
  4. Gerieflike lengte: Kom in lang rolle, voorsien voldoende lengte vir deurlopende produksie of grootskaalse verpakkingsbehoeftes.
  5. Verenigbaarheid: Geskik vir gebruik met beide handmatige en outomatiese verpakkingsmasjinerie.

Produk Allooi: Die aluminiumfoelie Jumbo-rol is beskikbaar in verskeie allooi-opsies, insluitend 8011 en 1235 (of spesifiseer die spesifieke legering wat gebruik word). Hierdie legerings is bekend vir hul uitstekende prestasie in terme van sterkte, buigsaamheid, en voedsel-graad eienskappe.

Produkprestasie van Jumbo-aluminiumfoelie

  1. Uitstekende versperringseienskappe: Die aluminiumfoelie Jumbo-rol dien as 'n effektiewe versperring teen vog, lug, lig, en reuke, die integriteit en varsheid van verpakte produkte te verseker.
  2. Hitteweerstand: Weerstaan ​​hoë temperature sonder om sy beskermende eienskappe te vervorm of te benadeel, maak dit geskik vir warmvultoepassings of oondveilige verpakking.
  3. Maklike vormbaarheid: The aluminum foil can be easily formed, gevorm, or folded to accommodate various packaging requirements, ensuring a snug fit and efficient protection.
  4. Food-Grade Safety: Manufactured in compliance with food safety regulations, the aluminum foil is safe for direct contact with food items, maintaining their hygiene and quality.
  5. Reliable Sealing: The foil’s surface facilitates secure sealing to create a tamper-evident and leak-resistant packaging solution.
  6. Recycling Capabilities: The aluminum foil is recyclable, omgewingsvolhoubaarheid en afvalvermindering te bevorder.

Gedetailleerde inleiding: Die aluminiumfoelie Jumbo-rol is 'n hoëgehalte-verpakkingsmateriaal wat ontwerp is om aan die uiteenlopende behoeftes van nywerhede soos voedsel en drank te voldoen, farmaseutiese produkte, skoonheidsmiddels, en meer. Vervaardig van premium-graad aluminiumlegering, dit bied uitsonderlike werkverrigting en betroubaarheid.

Hierdie jumbo-rol kom in verskillende diktes en breedtes, voorsiening vir verskillende verpakkingsvereistes. The extended length of the roll ensures uninterrupted production and convenience during large-scale operations. The aluminum foil is compatible with both manual packaging processes and automated machinery, allowing for seamless integration into existing production lines.

With its excellent barrier properties, the Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll acts as a protective shield against moisture, lug, lig, en reuke, preserving the freshness, geur, and quality of the packaged products. It exhibits remarkable heat resistance, making it suitable for applications involving high-temperature processes or hot-fill packaging.

The foil’s flexibility and formability enable easy wrapping, folding, or shaping to fit diverse packaging shapes and sizes. It offers reliable sealing capabilities, ensuring product integrity and preventing leakage or tampering. Bowendien, the aluminum foil is manufactured following stringent food safety standards, guaranteeing its suitability for direct contact with consumable items.

Benewens sy uitstekende prestasie, die aluminiumfoelie Jumbo-rol ondersteun omgewingsvolhoubaarheid. Dit is ten volle herwinbaar, by te dra tot die vermindering van afval en die bewaring van hulpbronne.

Wat is die gebruik van aluminiumfoelierol?

  1. Voedselverpakking: Aluminiumfoelierolletjies word wyd in die voedselbedryf gebruik vir die verpakking en preservering van voedselprodukte. Hulle word gebruik om voedselitems toe te draai, soos toebroodjies, oorskiet, gebakte goedere, en versnaperinge, om varsheid te behou, voorkom vogverlies, and provide a barrier against contaminants.
  2. Kook en Bak: Aluminium foil rolls are widely used for cooking and baking purposes. They can be used to line baking pans or trays, preventing food from sticking and facilitating easy cleanup. Daarbenewens, aluminium foil can be used to create pouches for cooking vegetables, vis, or meats, helping to retain moisture and flavors.
  3. Grilling and Barbecuing: Aluminium foil rolls are often used in grilling and barbecuing. They can be wrapped around food items to protect them from direct flames and heat, allowing for even cooking and preventing flare-ups. Foil-wrapped vegetables, potatoes, or seafood are common examples.
  4. Insulation and Heat Reflection: Aluminium foil has excellent heat reflective properties. Foil rolls can be used as insulation to reflect heat and light, making them useful in construction, HVAC stelsels, and insulation for hot water pipes or ductwork. They help to maintain temperature control and improve energy efficiency.
  5. Kuns en kunsvlyt: Aluminium foil rolls are utilized in various art and craft projects. They can be shaped, reliëf, or molded to create decorative accents, beeldhouwerke, and textured surfaces for artwork. Foil rolls are also used in DIY projects, such as creating reflective surfaces or enhancing visual effects.
  6. Wrapping and Packaging: Aluminium foil rolls are used for wrapping and packaging various non-food items, such as pharmaceutical products, skoonheidsmiddels, and personal care items. They provide a protective barrier, preventing moisture, lig, en lug wat die verpakte produkte beïnvloed.
  7. Vervoer en industriële toepassings: Aluminiumfoelierolle vind toepassings in die vervoer- en nywerheidsektore. Hulle word gebruik vir isolasie, beskerming, en verpakking van komponente, elektriese gereedskap, motoronderdele, en industriële materiale.

Hoe swaar is 'n rol aluminiumfoelie?

Die gewig van 'n rol aluminiumfoelie kan wissel na gelang van sy afmetings, dikte, en lengte. Egter, Ek kan 'n algemene skatting gee van die gewig van 'n tipiese huishoudelike grootte rol aluminiumfoelie:

A standard household roll of aluminum foil is typically around 25 square feet (oor 2.3 vierkante meter) in surface area and has a thickness of around 0.016 mm (16 mikrons). The weight of such a roll is typically in the range of 100 aan 200 gram (3.5 aan 7 ounces).

It’s important to note that the weight can vary based on the brand, specific product, and regional variations. Daarbenewens, larger or commercial-sized rolls of aluminum foil will naturally have a higher weight due to their increased length and width.