Wat is 6061-t6 aluminiumplaat?

6061-T6 aluminiumlegering is 'n materiaal wat verkry word deur hittebehandeling gebaseer op 6061 aluminiumlegering. Hierdie hittebehandelingsproses word T6-behandeling genoem, wat soliede oplossingbehandeling en kunsmatige verouderingsbehandeling insluit. T6 behandeling kan die sterkte en hardheid van verbeter 6061 aluminiumlegering en handhaaf sy goeie sweisbaarheid.

6061 T6 aluminium plaat proses

6061 T 6: Dit is 'n humeur naam. Die “T 6” toestand word bereik deur oplossing hittebehandeling en kunsmatige veroudering. Oplossingshittebehandeling behels die verhitting van aluminium tot 'n spesifieke temperatuur en dan blus dit in water. Hierdie proses help om enige legeringselemente in die aluminiummatriks op te los en gee dit hoë sterkte. Daarna, kunsmatige veroudering word uitgevoer om die meganiese eienskappe verder te verbeter. "T6"-tempering verhoog sterkte en hardheid.

6061 t6 aluminium plaat produk

6061: Dit verwys na die allooisamestelling. 6061 aluminium is 'n veelsydige en algemeen gebruikte aluminiumlegering wat bekend is vir sy uitstekende sterkte, weerstand teen korrosie, en sweisbaarheid. 6061 T6-aluminiumplaat is 'n spesiale tipe aluminiumlegeringsplaat wat hittebehandel word om T6-status te bereik. Dit bevat elemente soos magnesium en silikon om sy werkverrigting te verbeter.

6061-T6 aluminiumplaat chemiese elemente

ElementSamestelling (%)
Silikon0.40 – 0.8
Koper0.15 – 0.4
Magnesium1.0 – 1.2
Chroom0.04 – 0.35

6061-T6 aluminum sheet mechanical properties

Trek sterkte (Ultimate)45,000 – 40,000 psi (310 – 276 MPa)
Tensile Yield Strength (0.2%, offset)40,000 – 35,000 psi (276 – 241 MPa)
Modulus of Elasticity10.0 x 10^6 psi (69 GPa)
Poisson’s Ratio0.33
Shear Strength30,000 psi (207 MPa)
Moegheid Krag14,000 psi (97 MPa)
Elongation at Break8% – 12%
Hardheid (Brinell)95
Hardheid (Rockwell B)60

Characteristics of 6061-T6 aluminum sheet

6061-T6 aluminum plate has a variety of properties that make it a popular choice in various industries.

1. **High Strength**: 6061-T6 aluminum plate has good mechanical properties and high tensile strength, making it suitable for structural applications where strength is critical.

2. **Corrosion Resistance**: Has good corrosion resistance and is suitable for applications that may be exposed to harsh environments or corrosive substances.

3. **Weldability**: 6061-T6 aluminum plate has excellent weldability and can be easily welded using various techniques.

4. **Machinability**: Despite its high strength, 6061-T6 aluminum plate is relatively easy to machine, which is advantageous for manufacturing processes that require precise shapes and sizes.

5. **Formability**: Dit het goeie vormbaarheid, allowing it to be formed into various forms and structures without significantly affecting its mechanical properties.

6. **Heat treatment response**: 6061-T6 alloy responds well to heat treatment, further enhancing its mechanical properties and increasing its strength.

7. **Versatility**: It is a versatile material with a wide range of uses, including aerospace components, mariene toerusting, motorkomponente, bicycle frames, and structural components in construction and machinery.

8. **Lightweight**: Like all aluminum alloys, 6061-T6 is lightweight, making it an excellent choice for applications where weight is a critical factor.

Die eienskappe van aluminiumplaat 6061-T6 maak dit 'n gewilde materiaal in verskeie industrieë wat 'n kombinasie van sterkte vereis, weerstand teen korrosie en werkbaarheid.

Application of 6061T6 aluminum plate

6061-T6 aluminum plate is widely used in different industries due to its excellent strength, weerstand teen korrosie en werkbaarheid.

6061-T6 can be used in aerospace: 6061-T6 aluminum plates are used in the aerospace industry for components such as aircraft wings, fuselages, and structural elements. Its high strength-to-weight ratio helps reduce the overall weight of the aircraft.

6061-T6 Can Be Used in Marine: This alloy is suitable for marine applications due to its corrosion resistance. It is used on hulls, masts and other ship parts.

6061-T6 can be used in automobiles: In die motorbedryf, 6061-T6 sheet is used in a variety of parts, including engine components, suspension systems, and frames. The alloy’s strength and lightweight properties contribute to improved fuel efficiency.

6061-T6 can be used in bicycle frames: Many high-performance bicycle frames are made from 6061-T6 aluminum plate because of its strength, stiffness and lightweight properties.

6061-T6 can be used in construction: This alloy is used in the construction industry for structural components such as beams, columns and scaffolding. Its strength and corrosion resistance make it ideal for construction and infrastructure projects.

6061-T6 can be used in industrial machinery: 6061-T6 sheet is used in the construction of industrial machinery, especially applications that require a combination of strength and workability.

These applications demonstrate the versatility and utility of 6061-T6 aluminum plate in a wide range of industries that require a balance of strength, corrosion resistance and lightweight properties.