Katod alyuminiy plastinkasining oksidlanish reaktsiyasi nima ?

Cathodic aluminum oxide plate is different from anodlangan alyuminiy plastinka, alyuminiy plitani mos keladigan elektrolitga joylashtirishdir (sulfat kislota kabi, xrom kislotasi, oksalat kislotasi, va boshqalar.) katod sifatida, va ma'lum sharoitlarda va qo'llaniladigan oqimda elektroliz o'tkazadi. Katod alyuminiy plitalari mashina qismlarida keng qo'llaniladi, samolyotlar va avtomobil qismlari, nozik asboblar va radiotexnika, architectural decoration, machine casings, lamps and lighting, consumer electronics, handicrafts, maishiy texnika, interior decoration, belgilar, mebel, car decoration and other industries, let’s learn about it below What are the oxidation reactions of the lower cathode aluminum plate?

  1. The cathode is an electrode that discharges positive ions to generate negative ions or other reduction reactions during the electrolysis process.
  2. Auxiliary electrode An additional anode or cathode used in the electrolysis process in order to evenly distribute the current.
  3. Current density current density The intensity of current passing through a unit surface area of ​​an object. Generally use ampere per square meter or per square decimeter (A/m2, A/dm2).
  4. Critical current density critical current density The specific current density value during electrolysis. When it is higher or lower than this value, different and sometimes undesirable reactions will occur.
  5. Distribution ability throwing power The ability to evenly distribute current on the surface of irregular electrodes during the electrolysis process.
  6. Tank voltage, bath voltage The voltage between the anode and the cathode in the electrolytic cell.
  7. Chemical conversion coating Aluminium is immersed in an alkaline or acidic oxidizing solution, and a film (mostly an oxide film) is formed on the surface through a chemical reaction. This film is often used for aluminum paint bottom layer.
  8. Chemical oxidation chemical oxidation Under the action of chemical oxidants, an oxide film is formed on the metal surface.
  9. Bus bar (bus bar) A rigid metal conductor that directs current into the anode or cathode (for example, in an anodizing tank).
  10. Jig rack (US) A device for hanging and carrying workpieces during chemical or electrochemical processing. When anodizing, it can be made of aluminum or titanium.
  11. Filter aid: Inert, insoluble loose material. Play an auxiliary role in filtration to prevent excessive accumulation of filter residue on the main filter.
  12. Air agitation allows air to pass through the solution to agitate and mix.