Anodlangan alyuminiy plastinkaning oltita xususiyati

(1) Anodlangan alyuminiy plastinka yaxshi ishlov berish qobiliyatiga ega: anodlangan alyuminiy plastinka kuchli dekorativ xususiyatlarga va o'rtacha qattiqlikka ega, va doimiy yuqori tezlikda shtamplash uchun osongina egilib, shakllantirilishi mumkin, murakkab sirt ishlovsiz mahsulotlarga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri qayta ishlash uchun qulay, bu mahsulot ishlab chiqarish tsiklini sezilarli darajada qisqartiradi va mahsulot ishlab chiqarish xarajatlarini kamaytiradi.

(2) The anodized aluminum plate has good weather resistance: the anodized aluminum plate with a standard thickness of oxide film (3mkm) will not change color, corrosion, oxidation or rust when used indoors for a long time. The anodized aluminum plate with thick oxide film (10mkm) can be used outdoors and can be exposed to sunlight for a long time without discoloration.

(3) Strong metallic feeling of anodized aluminum plate: The surface hardness of the anodized aluminum plate is high, reaching gem level, tirnalishga yaxshi qarshilik, the surface is not covered with paint, retains the metallic color of the aluminum plate, highlights the modern metallic feeling, and improves the product grade and added value.

anodlangan alyuminiy qatlam

(4) The anodized aluminum plate has high fire resistance: pure metal products, no paint and any chemical substances on the surface, no combustion at 600 degrees high temperature, no toxic gas is generated, and it meets the requirements of fire protection and environmental protection.

(5) The anodized aluminum plate has strong anti-fouling properties: no fingerprints are left, and there will be stains, which are easy to clean and do not produce corrosion spots.

(6) The anodized aluminum plate has strong applicability: it has a wide range of uses and is suitable for metal aluminum ceilings, curtain wall aluminum panels, aluminum-plastic panels, fireproof panels, honeycomb aluminum panels, aluminum veneers, electrical panels, cabinet panels, furniture panels, va boshqalar.