5052 Aluminum Coil Product Introduction

The 5052 aluminum coil is a versatile and widely used alloy in various industries, owing to its exceptional properties and cost-effectiveness. This detailed guide will delve into the specifications, advantages, програми, and properties of 5052 алюмінієва котушка, providing valuable insights for professionals in various fields.

5052 aluminum coil
5052 алюмінієва котушка

Element Content Of 5052 Алюмінієва котушка

елементPercentage By Weight
магній (Mg)2.2% – 2.8%
Chromium (кр)0.15% – 0.35%
Залізо (Fe)0 – 0.4%
Кремній (І)0 – 0.25%
Мідь (Cu)0 – 0.1%
Марганець (Мн)0 – 0.1%
Цинк (Zn)0 – 0.1%
Алюміній (Ал)The Remainder

5052 Aluminum Coil Characteristics

  • Alloy Designation: 5052
  • Вдача: О (відпалений), H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, H28, H32, H34, H36, H38
  • Закінчити: Mill finish, painted, coated
  • Товщина: 0.2mm-12mm
  • Ширина: 1000mm-2600mm
  • Довжина: As per customer requirements
  • Щільність: 2.68 г/см³ (refer to density data table below)
  • Точка плавлення: 637.2°C
  • Boiling Point: 2519°C

5052 Aluminum Coil vs 6061 Алюмінієва котушка

Власність5052 Алюмінієва котушка6061 Алюмінієва котушка
Стійкість до корозіїBetterдобре
Heat TreatmentNot heat treatableHeat treatable

What Are The Advantages of 5052 Алюмінієва котушка?

  • High Strength-to-Weight Ratio: 5052 aluminum coil offers an impressive strength-to-weight ratio, making it suitable for applications where lightweight and durability are crucial.
  • Excellent Corrosion Resistance: The alloy’s high magnesium content enhances its corrosion resistance, making it ideal for use in marine environments and harsh conditions.
  • Good Weldability: 5052 aluminum coil exhibits excellent weldability, allowing for seamless joining of components without compromising strength or integrity.
  • Формованість: The coil’s high formability enables it to be shaped into complex geometries, making it suitable for intricate designs.
  • Економічно ефективним: Compared to other aluminum alloys, 5052 aluminum coil offers a cost-effective solution for various applications.
5052 aluminum coil supplier
5052 постачальник алюмінієвої котушки

Застосування 5052 Алюмінієва котушка

The wide-ranging applications of 5052 aluminum coil include:

  • Construction sector: Roofing, сайдинг, curtain walls, віконні рами
  • Packaging field: Cans, lids, foil, контейнери
  • Automobile manufacturing field: Body panels, обрізати, heat shields
  • Furniture manufacturing and household appliances: Cabinets, countertops, refrigerators, печі
  • Electronics and power industry: Тепловідводи, capacitors, transformers
  • Суднобудування: Hulls, superstructures, колоди
  • Transportation Facilities: Railcars, buses, aircraft
  • Pipe insulation: Cladding, jacketing
  • Освітлювальні прилади: відбивачі, housings
  • Advertising signage: Billboards, знаки, дисплеї
  • Food and Beverage Packaging: Trays, lids, банки

5052 alloy grade aluminum coil representative

Each alloy grade has a four-digit number, як от 5052. The first number represents the main alloy element of the grade or the series it belongs to. 5052 aluminum coil belongs to the 5000 алюмінієвий сплав серії.

5052 aluminum coil belongs to grade 5000. It starts with the number 5 because its central alloying element is magnesium. Sometimes they also alloy manganese with magnesium in the 5000 серії.

The last two digits, 52, represent the level within the 5000-level category. These numbers distinguish them from other alloy grades such as 5059, 5083, 5086, тощо.

5052 алюмінієва котушка проти 1050 алюмінієва котушка

5052 алюмінієва котушка і 1050 алюмінієва котушка are two different brands of aluminum alloy coils with different characteristics, performance and applications. 1050 coil and 5052 also have similar properties in terms of density and melting point.

5052 aluminum coil vs 1050 aluminum coil
5052 алюмінієва котушка проти 1050 алюмінієва котушка

Alloy composition:

5052 aluminum coil is an alloy whose main components are aluminum, magnesium and a small amount of chromium and manganese. Belongs to 5xxx series aluminum alloy.
1050 aluminum coil is a pure aluminum alloy with a minimum aluminum content of 99.5%. Belongs to 1xxx series aluminum alloy.

Strength and hardness:

5052 aluminum coil is known for its excellent strength and high fatigue resistance. It has medium to high strength and is suitable for structural applications.
1050 aluminum coil is a pure aluminum alloy with relatively low strength compared to alloys such as 5052. It is softer and less strong, but more formable.

Стійкість до корозії:

Обидва 5052 і 1050 aluminum coils have good corrosion resistance, but 5052 performs better in harsh environments due to the presence of magnesium, which enhances its corrosion resistance, especially in marine applications.


Обидва 1050 і 5052 aluminum coil alloys can be easily welded using various techniques such as arc welding, MIG welding and TIG welding. Проте, precautions should be taken to avoid weld cracking, especially with 5052 since it contains magnesium.

Formability and processability:

1050 aluminum coil is highly formable and processable, making it suitable for applications requiring complex shapes and deep drawing processes. Поки 5052 aluminum coil is not as easy to form as 1050 aluminum coil due to its higher strength, it can still be formed using traditional methods, but may require more force and equipment.


5052 aluminum coil is commonly used in applications requiring high strength and corrosion resistance, such as marine components, truck trailers, pressure vessels and aircraft components.
1050 aluminum coil is commonly used in applications where formability and corrosion resistance are critical factors, such as cookware, теплообмінники, chemical equipment and reflectors.