
In the rapidly evolving world of energy storage, il foglio di alluminio si distingue come componente fondamentale nella produzione delle batterie, in particolare le batterie agli ioni di litio. Presso Huawei Alluminio, siamo specializzati nella produzione di fogli di alluminio di alta qualità su misura per applicazioni con batterie. I nostri prodotti sono progettati per migliorare la longevità, efficienza, e prestazioni delle batterie, catering to a wide range of industries including automotive, elettronica, and renewable energy systems.

Aluminium battery foil
Aluminium battery foil

Why Aluminum Foil for Batteries?

Aluminum foil serves as a critical material in the battery structure, acting primarily as the current collector for the cathode in lithium-ion batteries. Its inherent properties, such as high conductivity, flessibilità, e resistenza alla corrosione, make it an ideal choice for facilitating efficient electron flow, enhancing battery life, and improving overall performance.

Advantages of Aluminum Foil in Battery Applications:

  • Alta conduttività: Ensures efficient electron flow within the battery.
  • Leggero: Contributes to the overall reduction in battery weight.
  • Resistenza alla corrosione: Enhances durability and battery life.
  • Flexibility: Allows for versatile battery design and form factors.

Aluminum Foil Alloy Models and Specifications

Presso Huawei Alluminio, we offer a variety of aluminum foil alloy models, each tailored to meet the specific demands of battery manufacturing. Below is a detailed table showcasing our primary alloy models, their specifications, and applications.

Table 1: Alloy Models and Specifications

Modello in legaSpessore (µm)Larghezza (mm)ApplicazioneCaratteristiche
106010 – 20100 – 1500Standard Li-ion BatteriesPurezza elevata, excellent conductivity
107010 – 20100 – 1500High-capacity Li-ion BatteriesEnhanced conductivity and flexibility
123510 – 20100 – 1500Consumer ElectronicsBuona formabilità, resistenza alla corrosione
300310 – 20100 – 1500Power Banks, Electric VehiclesHigher mechanical strength, excellent thermal properties
801110 – 20100 – 1500Specialty Batteries (High Temp.)Optimal thermal performance, resistenza alla corrosione

Opzioni di personalizzazione

Understanding that battery manufacturers have diverse needs, Huawei Aluminum offers customization options for aluminum foil, including but not limited to varying thicknesses, widths, and mechanical properties. Our team works closely with clients to develop solutions that meet their specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility with their battery designs.

Lithium-ion Battery Foil
Lithium-ion Battery Foil

Quality Control and Standards

Quality is at the heart of everything we do at Huawei Aluminum. Nostro aluminum foil for battery production undergoes rigorous testing and quality control processes to ensure it meets the highest standards. We adhere to international quality standards, including ISO 9001, ASTM, and EN standards, to deliver products that our customers can trust.

Testing Procedures Include:

  • Chemical Composition Analysis
  • Mechanical Property Testing
  • Thickness and Width Verification
  • Surface Quality Inspection

Applications of Aluminum Foil in Batteries

Aluminum foil is versatile and finds applications in various types of batteries:

  • Lithium-ion Batteries: The primary application, where it serves as the cathode current collector.
  • Supercapacitors: Used in the electrodes of supercapacitors for energy storage.
  • Flexible and Wearable Electronics: Ideal for new-age, flexible battery formats.
  • Electric Vehicles (EVs): Critical in the manufacture of EV batteries, contributing to lighter and more efficient battery packs.
Foglio di alluminio per batteria
Foglio di alluminio per batteria

Sustainability and Recycling

Huawei Aluminum is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. L'alluminio è altamente riciclabile, and we advocate for and practice recycling processes that reduce the environmental impact of our manufacturing operations. By choosing aluminum foil for batteries, manufacturers are not only opting for a high-performance material but also contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly production cycle.