3004 aluminum circle disc introduction "3004 доираи алюминий" refers to a circular aluminum plate or sheet made of aluminum alloy 3004 as raw material. "3004" is the grade of aluminum alloy, which is commonly used in 3000 силсилаи хӯлаи алюминий. 3004 represents the composition and performance characteristics of the alloy, and usually contains aluminum, manganese and other small amounts of alloying elements. It ha ...
Know more about aluminum tray Aluminum tray, инчунин бо номи табақи алюминий ё табақи хӯлаи алюминий маълум аст, табақаест, ки аз алюминий ё хӯлаи алюминий сохта шудааст. Он одатан ҳамчун асбоби ошхонаи ҳамвор бо чуқурии наонқадар дида мешавад, ки барои нигох доштани хурок кулай аст, нигоҳ доштани ашё ё ороиш. Табақҳои алюминий сабук ва устувор мебошанд, бо кувваи баланд, гузаронандагии хуби гармӣ, ва ба занг ва зангзанй тобовар мебошанд. They are ...
What is coated aluminum coil? Color coated aluminium coil refers to aluminium coil which has gone through coating and coloring treatment steps. It shows stronger corrosion resistance with a layer of coating. Classified by coated materials, it generally includes PE coated aluminium coil and PVDF coated aluminum coil. Huawei produces color coated aluminum coil of 1000 силсила, 3000 силсила, 5000 series and 8000 seri ...
Чӣ аст 1050 grade aluminum foil? 1050 aluminum foil is the most common type among a series of aluminum alloys. It has excellent forming and processing characteristics, high corrosion resistance, good weldability and electrical conductivity. The aluminum content in 1050 reaches 99.5%, also known as 1050 pure aluminum foil. 1050 aluminum alloy foil adds a small amount of copper element, which improves the defect ...
Чӣ аст 6063 синфи варақи алюминий? 6063 алюминий як синф ё хӯлаи мушаххас дар доираи васеътар аст 6000 силсилаи хӯлаҳои алюминий. Дар мавриди 6063 алюминий, он хӯлаест, ки асосан аз алюминий иборат аст (Ал), бо унсурҳои иловагии хӯладор барои ба он хосиятҳои мушаххас додан. Унсурҳои асосии хӯлакунанда дар 6063 алюминий кремний мебошанд (Ва) ва магний (Mg). Таркиби химиявии варақи алюминий 6063 ...
Black Anodized Aluminum Sheet overview: Anodizing is a process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. It increases corrosion and wear resistance, and during the process the anodized aluminum surface can be dyed into many different colors,such as gold anodized aluminum sheet,black anodized aluminum sheet,white anodized aluminum sheet ect. Our Hot sales Black ...
Introducing the Superior Quality of 1060 Aluminum Coil Where we take pride in offering high-quality aluminum products to meet your diverse needs. Today, we are thrilled to present our exceptional 1060 кати алюминий, a product that embodies excellence, устуворӣ, ва универсалӣ. As a trusted seller, we understand the importance of providing materials that surpass industry standards. Our 1060 кати алюминий ...
There are several ways to measure the weight of a 4x8 aluminum sheet, depending on the tools and equipment you have available. Here are three common methods: Weighing scale: The most straightforward way to measure the weight of an aluminum sheet is to use a weighing scale. Place the sheet on the scale and record the weight displayed. Make sure the scale has a capacity that is gr ...
Perforated aluminum panels have a wide range of applications due to their versatility, durability and unique perforated design. There are various types of perforated aluminum panels that have regularly spaced holes or perforations. Huawei Aluminum offers multiple types of perforation patterns, sizes, and shapes that can be customized to meet specific needs. Here are some common applications for perforated alumin ...
1050 aluminum sheet is a commercially pure aluminum alloy with a purity of 99.5%. It has a number of characteristics that make it a popular choice for various applications: Good electrical conductivity: 1050 aluminum has a high electrical conductivity, making it useful in applications such as electrical conductors and transformer windings. Excellent formability: Due to its hi ...
1235 aluminum sheet has several applications due to its unique properties and characteristics. Some common applications of 1235 aluminum sheet include: Бастабандӣ: 1235 aluminum sheet is widely used in the packaging industry. It is commonly used for packaging materials such as aluminum foil, blister packs, flexible packaging, and food containers. Its excellent barrier properties, lightweight nature, and ability ...
What are the applications of thin aluminum sheet? Thin aluminum sheets have a wide range of applications due to their unique properties and versatility. Some common applications of thin aluminum sheets include: 1.Бастабандӣ: Thin aluminum sheets are commonly used for packaging purposes, such as aluminum foil used for wrapping food, beverages, and pharmaceutical products. The excellent barrier properties of alum ...