6063 hliníkový plech

6063 hliníkový plech

čo je 6063 triedy hliníkového plechu? 6063 hliník je špecifická trieda alebo zliatina v širšom rozsahu 6000 séria hliníkových zliatin. V prípade 6063 hliník, ide o zliatinu, ktorá je primárne zložená z hliníka (Al), s prídavnými legovacími prvkami, ktoré mu dodávajú špecifické vlastnosti. Hlavné legujúce prvky v 6063 hliník sú kremík (A) a horčík (Mg). Chemické zloženie hliníkového plechu 6063 ...

Gold Anodized Aluminum Sheet

Gold anodized aluminum sheet plate

Gold Anodized Aluminum Sheet Overview: What is gold anodized aluminum sheet?Gold anodized aluminum sheet is a type of aluminum sheet that has been treated with an electrochemical process called anodization, which creates a layer of oxide on the surface of the aluminum. During the anodization process, the aluminum sheet is immersed in an acid bath and an electric current is passed through it. This causes a con ...

8011 hliníková fólia (1)

8021 hliníková fólia

8021 hliníková fólia je bežný materiál z hliníkovej zliatiny s nasledujúcimi vlastnosťami: 8021 zloženie hliníkovej zliatiny: hliník (Al): O 99%. Silicon (A): o 0.05%. Iron (Fe): o 0.35%. Copper (Cu): o 0.10%. Manganese (Mn): o 0.10%. Magnesium (Mg): o 0.05%. Zinc (Zn): o 0.10%. 8021 aluminum foil physical properties: Hustota: 2.71 g/cm³. Melting point: about 660°C. ...

diamantové dosky hliníkové plechy

Hliníkový diamantový plech

Hliníkový diamantový plech - Huawei hliník Vitajte v Huawei Aluminium, popredný výrobca a veľkoobchodník hliníkových diamantových plechov. Naše prémiové hliníkové diamantové plechy, známy svojou trvanlivosťou, protišmykovosť, a estetickú príťažlivosť, sú dokonalým riešením pre širokú škálu aplikácií. Od priemyselných podláh až po dekoratívne stenové panely, naše hliníkové diamantové plechy spájajú funkčnosť s ...

1070 hliníková fólia

1070 dodávateľ hliníkovej fólie

1070 aluminum foil alloy introduction 1070 Pure Aluminum Foil is an aluminum known for its high purity, suitable for a wide range of applications. It is a member of the 1000 series of aluminum alloys and is characterized by its high aluminum content and excellent corrosion resistance. The "1070" designation indicates that the alloy contains 99.7 percent aluminum by weight, with trace amounts of other elements.Th ...

Huawei Aluminum Sheet

6061 hliníkový plech

čo je 6061 hliníkový plech? 6061 aluminum sheet is a commonly used aluminum alloy plate with high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. It is composed of elements such as aluminum, horčík a kremík, and is one of the 6000 série hliníkových zliatin. 6061 aluminum sheet has excellent processability and weldability, as well as excellent mechanical properties, and is widely used in aerospace, automobile, s ...

3 16 hliníkový plech

3 16 hliníkový plech

čo je 3 16 hliníkový plech "3 16 hliníkový plech" refers to an aluminum sheet that is 3/16 inch in thickness. This thickness is often used in applications where a balance of strength and weight is required. Aluminum sheets of this thickness can be used in various industries, including construction, aerospace, automobilový priemysel, and manufacturing, depending on specific requirements for strength, durability, and weight. ...

hliníkový plech 5052

Can 5052 aluminum sheet be used for car body?

5052 aluminum sheet belongs to the aluminum-magnesium alloy sheet series. It is a commonly used aluminum alloy material with many advantages, which make 5052 aluminum sheet an ideal choice for car body manufacturing. Aluminum has a low density, so using 5052 aluminum sheet to manufacture the car body can significantly reduce the weight of the whole vehicle. Lightweight car body can not only reduce fuel consump ...

Huawei Aluminum Sheet

Aluminum sheet thickness range

The thickness of aluminum sheets can range from very thin tens of microns to hundreds of millimeters, depending on different applications and needs. The following are some common aluminum sheet thickness ranges: Ultra-thin aluminum plate: usually between tens of microns and hundreds of microns, mainly used in electronic products, displays, batteries and other fields. Thin aluminum sheet: between a few hundr ...

food packaging foil

What alloys are suitable for food packaging foil?

Food packaging foils are usually made from aluminum alloys because they have excellent food preservation properties. The most widely used aluminum alloys for food packaging foil include: Alloy Aluminum 1100: This is a commercially pure aluminum (99% hliník) with excellent corrosion resistance, vysoká tepelná a elektrická vodivosť, and good machinability. It is commonly used for household foils, packaging ...

Melting point of aluminum foil

Do you know the melting point of aluminum foil?

Melting point of aluminum foil The melting point of aluminum refers to the temperature at which aluminum foil transitions between solid and liquid states. When aluminum reaches this temperature, the foil begins to transform from a solid to a liquid state. Aluminum has a relatively low melting point, which makes it popular in many industrial applications because it can be melted and reshaped at relatively low tem ...

Do you know the advantages of anodized aluminum plate sheet

Do you know the advantages of anodized aluminum plate sheet?Henan huawei Aluminum anodized aluminum plate hardness is relatively high, good scratch resistance, paint-free surface, anti-fouling effect is very good. Metallic aluminum ceiling, Curtain wall aluminum, as well as fire board, cellular aluminum, aluminum veneer is made of anodized aluminum plate for processing products Anodized aluminum plate wider ra ...