Aluminum Sheet/Coil/Foil/Strip/Circle Supplier & Manufacturer

aluminum__sheet_supplier aluminum-coil supplier alumínium fólia szállító aluminum circle supplier aluminum strip supplier

Henan Huawei Aluminum Industry Co., Kft. (referred to as HWALU) was established in 2001, and has been producing and selling aluminum alloy products for 22 év. Our production department is located in Huiguo Town, “Henan Aluminum Capital”, and our marketing department is located in Yuxi Building, Guancheng District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province.

We (Hwalu) are a raw material supplier engaged in the production, R&D, export and service of aluminum alloy. Our products mainly include five categories: alumínium lemez, alumínium tekercs, alumínium fólia, aluminum disc and aluminum strip. 1000-8000 series of aluminum alloys are in our business scope.

HWALU can provide various types of aluminum products: color coated aluminum, mirror aluminum, anodized aluminum alloy, diamond aluminum sheet, embossed aluminum, heat transfer aluminum, roofing sheet and other types.

We have more than 15 years of export experience, and our products are exported to more than 60 countries in the world, and have been well received by customers. For your consultation, we will definitely give the most timely and professional response.


HWALU Can Provide You With The Following Products:

As a professional manufacturer and engages in the research, development, production, sales and service of aluminum sheet, Huawei aluminum can provide you different series aluminum metal alloy .

Aluminum Type: alumínium lemez, alumínium tekercs, alumínium fólia, alumínium kör, aluminum strip;
1000 Széria ötvözet: 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 1200;
2000 Széria ötvözet: 2024, 2104;
3000 Széria ötvözet: 3003, 3004, 3104, 3105;
5000 Széria ötvözet: 5005, 5052, 5083, 5086, 5454, 5754
6000 Széria ötvözet: 6060, 6061, 6063, 6082;
7000 Széria ötvözet: 7075;
8000 Széria ötvözet: 8011, 8021, 8079;

Sizes Provided By HWALU
4×8 alumínium lemez, 5×10, 4×12, thin aluminum sheet, nagy teherbírású alumínium fólia, 1-20 méretű alumínium lemez; at the same time, it supports customization of more sizes and specifications.

Thickness provided by HWALU
0.01mm-20mm; common thickness: 0.2mm, 0.4mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 2mm, 1.6mm, 5mm, stb

Width provided by HWALU: 80mm-3000mm

Length Provided By HWALU:under 12000mm, 0.2 – 100 mm thin aluminum sheet and thick plate, which are used in diverse industrial applications. Such as:aircraft grade aluminum sheet, marine grade aluminum alloy sheet and so on.

We have reliable quality, reasonable aluminum sheet prices and prompt delivery.

Your inquiry will be treated seriously and answered promptly. Your satisfaction is our pursuit of the goal. Buy aluminum sheet, welcome to inquire us, we are glad to service for you.


What are the uses of 1100 alumínium lemez?

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18 Alumíniumlapok felhasználása

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