1100 La feuille d'aluminium est une feuille d'aluminium de pureté plus élevée dans le 1000 alliage d'aluminium de série. Il a une haute résistance à la corrosion, excellente formabilité, poids léger, et bonne conductivité thermique et électrique. Il est largement utilisé dans diverses industries.
1100 aluminum sheet used in the packaging industry
Emballages alimentaires et boissons: En raison de ses propriétés non toxiques et résistantes à la corrosion, it can be used in food packaging containers and trays.
Ensure food freshness by providing a barrier against moisture, light and oxygen.
Emballage pharmaceutique: Foil liner for blister packaging or lids.
1100 aluminum sheet used for architectural applications
Roofing and cladding: Due to its corrosion resistance and aesthetics, it is ideal for building facades, roof panels and wall cladding.
Decorative properties: Due to its smooth surface and anodization, it can be used for decorative panels, signs and reflective surfaces.
Electrical conductors: Due to its excellent electrical conductivity, it can be made into conductor sheets or busbars.
Transformer components: Used for transformer windings and insulation.
1100 aluminum sheet used for automotive and aerospace
Heat shields: In automotive and aerospace applications, the sheets are used as thermal insulation to protect components from heat.
Body panels: For lightweight body panels in vehicles and aircraft where corrosion resistance is critical.
Réservoir d'essence: Commonly used in fuel storage tanks in aerospace and automotive applications due to its chemical resistance.
1100 aluminum sheet used for industrial applications
Chemical equipment: Made into tanks, tuyaux, and processing equipment for the safe handling of chemicals.
Échangeurs de chaleur: 1100 aluminum sheet is well suited for making fins and plates in heat exchangers due to its thermal conductivity.
Surfaces réfléchissantes: Used in industrial applications that require high reflectivity, such as lighting equipment and solar panel backsheets.
1100 aluminum sheet used for consumer products
Cookware and cutlery: Used in lightweight and corrosion-resistant cookware, casseroles, and pans.
appareils électroménagers: Incorporated into the design of refrigerators, washing machines, and other appliances due to its heat and corrosion resistance.
Household products: Made into durable, lightweight products such as ladders and furniture components.
1100 aluminum sheet used for marine industry
Composants marins: Due to its resistance to saltwater corrosion, it can be used for hulls, ponts, and structural components in marine environments.
1100 aluminum sheet used for art and decorative applications
Signage and displays: Due to its malleability and ability to be polished or brushed, it can be made into signs.
Art and sculpture: The sheets are used for engraving, gaufrage, and creating lightweight sculptures.
1100 aluminum sheet used for renewable energy
Panneaux solaires: Due to its light weight and reflective properties, it can be used as a backing material for photovoltaic panels.
Wind turbines: Poids léger, corrosion-resistant sheets are sometimes used for turbine components.
1100 aluminum sheet used for medical and pharmaceuticals
Sterile equipment: Used to manufacture medical devices and equipment where corrosion resistance and sterilizability are critical.
Emballage: Ideal for producing sterile packaging for medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
Pourquoi choisir 1100 feuille d'aluminium?
Résistance à la corrosion: High atmospheric corrosion resistance makes it suitable for long-term use in challenging environments.
Usinabilité: It can be easily formed, machined and welded into complex shapes and designs.
Esthétique: Anodizing and polishing enhance its appearance, making it ideal for decorative purposes.
Environmental: It is fully recyclable, supporting sustainable development goals.