3004 cercle d'alumini (1)

3004 cercle d'alumini

3004 aluminum circle disc introduction "3004 cercle d'alumini" refers to a circular aluminum plate or sheet made of aluminum alloy 3004 as raw material. "3004" is the grade of aluminum alloy, which is commonly used in 3000 aliatge d'alumini en sèrie. 3004 represents the composition and performance characteristics of the alloy, and usually contains aluminum, manganese and other small amounts of alloying elements. It ha ...

Cold forming alu alu foil

Cold Forming Alu Alu Foil

What is Cold Forming Alu Alu Foil Cold forming Alu Alu foil is a type of pharmaceutical packaging material used to protect drugs from external influences such as moisture, oxigen, and light. It consists of three layers: the outer layer made of aluminum, the middle layer made of PVC, and the inner layer made of aluminum. The process of cold forming involves shaping the aluminum foil into a desired form without ...

0.125 Aluminum Sheet 5052-H32

.125 xapa d'alumini

As a leading ‘.125 aluminum sheet’ factory and wholesaler, Huawei Aluminum is dedicated to providing high-quality aluminum products to meet the needs of our customers. With years of experience in the industry, we have established ourselves as a reliable supplier of aluminum sheets for various applications. .125 aluminum sheet introduction Aluminum sheets are widely used in various industries due to their lightw ...

Aluminium Foil for air conditioner

AC Aluminum Foil

Introduction to AC Aluminum Foil AC Aluminum Foil, primarily used in the air conditioning systems, plays a pivotal role in the heat exchange process, contributing significantly to the efficiency and longevity of air conditioning units. Huawei Aluminum, a leading manufacturer and wholesaler of AC Aluminum Foil, offers a wide range of aluminum foil products specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of the ...

8011 paper d'alumini (1)

8021 paper d'alumini

8021 El paper d'alumini és un material d'aliatge d'alumini comú amb les característiques següents: 8021 composició d'aliatge d'alumini: Alumini (Al): Sobre 99%. Silici (I): sobre 0.05%. Ferro (Fe): sobre 0.35%. coure (Cu): sobre 0.10%. Manganès (Mn): sobre 0.10%. Magnesi (Mg): sobre 0.05%. Zinc (Zn): sobre 0.10%. 8021 propietats físiques del paper d'alumini: Densitat: 2.71 g/cm³. Punt de fusió: uns 660 °C. ...

proveïdor de bobines d'alumini

3003 aluminum coil product introduction

Què és 3003 bobina d'alumini? 3003 aluminum coil is a commonly used aluminum alloy coil, its main components are aluminum and manganese, and it belongs to the 3xxx series aluminum alloy. Due to its excellent performance and wide application fields, 3003 aluminum coil has become an indispensable material in industry and daily life. 3003 aluminum alloy coil features and performance: Good corrosion resistance: 3003 ...

1100 Aluminum Circles

1100 Cercle d'alumini

Welcome to Huawei Aluminum - Your Premier Destination for 1100 Aluminum Circle Solutions Welcome to Huawei Aluminum, your trusted partner for high-quality 1100 aluminum circle products. With years of expertise in the aluminum industry, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch aluminum circles that meet the highest standards of quality, durabilitat, and performance. Whether you're a manufacturer, wholesaler, o ...

black anodized aluminum sheet

What is the use of black anodized aluminum sheet

Black anodized aluminum sheets are used in a variety of applications where both the aesthetic and functional properties of the material are important. Anodizing is an electrochemical process that strengthens the natural oxide layer on the aluminum surface, making it more durable, corrosion-resistant, and capable of retaining dyes for coloring. Black anodized aluminum panels and panels have a sleek, matte black fi ...

Not all aluminum sheet is suitable for anodizing processing

In high-rise buildings, we can sometimes see the color white curtain wall aluminum plate, obviously different from the surrounding color, very affect the appearance. It can be seen that not all aluminum sheet is suitable for anodizing processing, hot-rolled aluminum plates are more suitable for anodizing processing base material. Some enterprises in the use of our aluminum sheet products after processing m ...

5052 aluminum sheet with excellent anodizing quality

5052 aluminum sheet has excellent anodizing quality which can meet any color requirement. Its surface processing quality is outstanding, it can process various kinds of texture. Pre polishing / mirror polishing can also be applied in the form of aluminum rolls, so there is no need to take additional finishing steps. It is an ideal choice for large electronic products such as notebook computers and televisions. ...

làmines de coberta d'alumini

Introducció a les cinc làmines comunes de cobertes d'alumini

Introducció a les cinc làmines de cobertes d'alumini habituals Les teules de cobertes comunes inclouen les teules de ciment, rajoles de fibra de vidre, rajoles d'acer de color, xapa de coberta d'alumini,rajoles ceràmiques, i teules d'estil occidental que inclouen les quatre primeres categories pel que fa al material, conegudes col·lectivament com a rajoles europees. Rajoles de ciment Rajoles de ciment, també conegudes com rajoles de formigó, van néixer a 1919 quan el primer ciment del món t ...

1050 vs 1060 alumini

The same and difference between 1050 aluminum foil and 1060 paper d'alumini

Both 1050 aluminum foil and 1060 aluminum foil are pure aluminum aluminum coil products with high electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and workability, but they are different in chemical composition and mechanical properties. Here's how they compare: Features 1050 Paper d'alumini 1060 Aluminum Foil Chemical Composition Al 99.5% Al 99.6% Densitat 2.71 g/cm³ 2.70 g/cm³ Tensile st ...