ما هي أنواع الألمنيوم وسبائكه؟?

The Types Of Aluminum And Aluminum Alloys

ألومنيوم نقي

The characteristic of pure aluminum is its low density, وهو 2.72 جم / سم ³, فقط حوالي ثلث كثافة الحديد أو النحاس. الموصلية الجيدة والتوصيل الحراري, في المرتبة الثانية بعد الفضة والنحاس. الخصائص الكيميائية للألمنيوم نشطة للغاية.

في الهواء, the surface of aluminum can combine with oxygen to form a dense Al2O3 protective film, which prevents further oxidation of aluminum. وبالتالي, يتمتع الألومنيوم بمقاومة جيدة للتآكل في الهواء والماء, but it cannot resist acid, قلوي, والتآكل الملحي.

ألومنيوم نقي
ألومنيوم نقي

Aluminum has a face centered cubic lattice and good plasticity (د=50%, ψ = 80%). It can be processed into profiles such as wires, لوحات, شرائط, and pipes through cold or hot pressure, but its strength is not high, σb=80MPaAfter cold processing, σb=(150~250)الآلام والكروب الذهنية。 So pure aluminum is mainly used to make wires, الكابلات, بالوعة الحرارة, and daily necessities or alloys that require rust and corrosion resistance but low strength requirements.

Commercial purity aluminum is not as pure as chemical purity aluminum, as it contains impurities such as Fe, و, إلخ. to varying degrees. The more impurities are present in aluminum, the lower its conductivity, توصيل حراري, resistance to atmospheric corrosion, and plasticity.

The grades of industrial pure aluminum in our country are formulated based on the limit of impurities, such as L1 L2L3……L is the first Chinese Pinyin character for “الألومنيوم”, and the higher the sequence number attached after it, the lower its purity.

سبائك الألومنيوم

Pure aluminum has low strength and is not suitable as a structural material. To improve its strength, the most effective method is to add alloying elements such as Si, النحاس, ملغ, مينيسوتا, إلخ. لصنع سبائك الألومنيوم (ايروليت). These aluminum alloys have high strength, but still have كثافة قليلة, قوة محددة عالية بشكل خاص (i.e. نسبة حد القوة إلى الكثافة), as well as good thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.

سبائك الألومنيوم
سبائك الألومنيوم

Classification of Aluminum Alloys

وفقا لتكوين وخصائص عملية الإنتاج من سبائك الألومنيوم, they can be divided into two categories: سبائك الألومنيوم المشوهة وسبائك الألومنيوم المصبوبة.
When the composition of the alloy is less than D/point, it can form a single-phase solid solution structure when heated, with good plasticity and suitable for pressure processing, hence it is called deformed aluminum alloy.

Aluminum alloys with a composition smaller than the F-point in deformation, whose solid solution composition does not change with temperature and cannot be strengthened by heat treatment, are called heat treatment unreinforced aluminum alloys; An alloy with a composition between F and D/, whose solid solution composition changes with temperature, can be strengthened by heat treatment, hence it is called an aluminum alloy that can be strengthened by heat treatment.

Alloys with a composition greater than D/point, low melting point eutectic structure, good flowability, suitable for casting, are called cast aluminum alloys, but not suitable for pressure processing.

Deformable aluminum alloys can also be classified into rust proof aluminum, hard aluminum, ultra hard aluminum, and forged aluminum according to their main performance characteristics.
Casting aluminum alloys can also be classified according to the different main alloying elements: Al Si, Al Cu, Al Mg, Al Zn, إلخ.

خصائص المعالجة الحرارية لسبائك الألومنيوم

Aluminum alloys can not only improve their strength through cold deformation work hardening, but also further enhance their strength through heat treatment – “تصلب العمر” طريقة.
تختلف آلية المعالجة الحرارية لسبائك الألومنيوم عن تلك الخاصة بالفولاذ. بعد التبريد, the hardness and strength of steel immediately increase, بينما تنخفض اللدونة. Aluminum alloys with components between F and D/can be heated to the alpha phase region, insulated, and quenched by water cooling to obtain supersaturated alpha solid solutions at room temperature. Their strength and hardness cannot be immediately increased, but their plasticity is significantly improved. وتسمى هذه العملية التبريد أو العلاج بالمحلول.

Due to the instability of the supersaturated solid solution obtained after quenching, there is a tendency to precipitate a second phase (مرحلة التعزيز). After being left at room temperature for a period of time or heated at low temperatures, atoms have the ability to move within the lattice and gradually transition to a stable state, resulting in a significant increase in strength and hardness, while plasticity decreases. The phenomenon of further strengthening of the alloy after solid solution treatment over time is called “تصلب العمر” أو “تصلب العمر”. The aging process carried out at room temperature is called natural aging, while the aging process carried out under heating conditions is called artificial aging.

Aluminum-Sheet alloy
Aluminum-Sheet alloy

Deformable aluminum alloy

1. Anti rust aluminum alloy

عناصر صناعة السبائك الرئيسية هي المنغنيز والمغنيسيوم. This type of alloy is a single-phase solid solution after forging and annealing, so it has good corrosion resistance and plasticity. The rust proof aluminum grade is represented by the Chinese Pinyin prefixLFfollowed by a sequential number. مثل LF5, LF11, LF21, إلخ. يستخدم هذا النوع من السبائك بشكل رئيسي في الدرفلة, لحام, or corrosion-resistant structural components with low loads, such as oil tanks, أنابيب, الأسلاك, light load skeletons, and various household appliances. All kinds of anti rust aluminum alloys are aluminum alloys that cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. To improve the strength of the alloy, cold pressure processing can be applied, والتي يمكن أن تنتج تصلب العمل.

2. سبائك الألومنيوم الصلبة

Duraluminum is basically an Al Cu Mg alloy with a small amount of Mn. Various types of duralumins can be strengthened by aging, لكن مقاومتها للتآكل ضعيفة, وخاصة في مياه البحر. وبالتالي, hard aluminum components that require protection are wrapped with high-purity aluminum on the outside to make aluminum coated hard aluminum materials. Hard aluminum grades use the Chinese Pinyin prefix “LY” followed by a sequential number, مثل LY1 (برشام الألومنيوم الصلب), LY11 (الألومنيوم الصلب القياسي), و LY12 (ألومنيوم صلب عالي القوة).
Hard aluminum is a structural material with high specific strength, which has been widely used in the aviation industry and instrument manufacturing.

3. سبائك الألومنيوم فائقة الصلابة (سبائك SD)

It is an Al Cu Mg Zn alloy, which is made by adding Zn to hard aluminum. This type of alloy is currently the strongest aluminum alloy, with higher specific strength, hence it is called superhard aluminum. The disadvantage is also poor corrosion resistance, which can increase the artificial aging temperature or aluminum coating.
The grade of ultra hard aluminum alloy is represented by the Chinese Pinyin prefix “إل سي” followed by a sequential number. LC4, LC6, إلخ. are commonly used to manufacture important components with high stress, such as aircraft beams.

4. Forged aluminum alloy

It is an Al Cu Mg Si alloy with a variety of alloying elements, but the content of each element is relatively low, thus it has good thermoplastic and corrosion resistance, and its strength is comparable to that of hard aluminum. After quenching and aging, the strength can be improved.
The grade of forged aluminum alloy is represented by the Chinese Pinyin prefix “إل دي” followed by a sequential number, مثل LD5, LD7, إلخ. Due to its excellent forging performance, it is mainly used for forging or forging parts that bear heavy loads on aircraft or diesel locomotives.

Cast aluminum alloy

هناك أنواع عديدة من سبائك الألومنيوم المصبوب, among which aluminum silicon alloys have good casting performance, قوة كافية, وكثافة منخفضة, and are widely used, وهو ما يمثل أكثر من 50% of the total production of cast aluminum alloys. Al Si alloys containing Si (10-13)% are the most typical aluminum silicon alloys, belonging to eutectic composition, commonly known assilicon aluminum alloys”.

The grade of cast aluminum alloy is represented by the Chinese Pinyin prefix “مع”+Al+other major element symbols and percentage content of the wordcast”. على سبيل المثال, ZAlSi12 represents cast Al Si alloy containing 12% و.

The code for the alloy is represented by the Chinese Pinyin prefix “ZL” ل “الألمنيوم المصبوب” followed by three digits. The first digit represents the alloy category, while the second and third digits indicate the sequence number of the alloy.

Example ZL102 represents the casting aluminum alloy of Al Si series No. 2.
Casting aluminum alloy is generally used to produce parts that are lightweight, مقاومة للتآكل, have complex shapes, and have certain mechanical properties. Such as aluminum pistons, instrument housings, water-cooled engine cylinder components, crankcases, إلخ.